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Do you know what your handshake says about your health?

I came across a great article on TheGlobeAndMail.com about the relation of your handshake and your health.

My favorite takeaway…

Don’t let your current health and fitness level stop you. I know that sometimes it may feel like it’s too late. Just start where you are and take baby steps. All you have to do is make your muscles work a little harder than what they are used to. They will rise up to the challenge and become stronger.

Keep in mind that grip strength is just one of many health markers. If you lack the strength to juice a lemon, it doesn’t mean that you’ll die tomorrow. It just means you may have some work to do to improve your lifestyle, exercise routine and eating habits.

Ask yourself – next time you shake hands with someone, will you be sending a positive health message? If not, then maybe it’s time to give yourself a hand in improving your health.

Read the full article, and discover the relation of your handshake to your health!


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